Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Griffin at 12 days...

I noticed a few moments ago while burping Griffin that the way he moved his face revealed a dimple on his right cheek...this got me very emotional (don't know why) but I face booked the finding and then realized if I don't blog it, I have no record.

I also noticed during his diaper change that his dried navel thingy (drawing a blank on what it is called-duh) that needs to fall off is all but off...which means tub bath time for the big boy-which means my baby is already's too soon. His little legs seem chunkier and he's become more alert and lifting his head all around and keeping his eyes open me and staring at me-which is so precious to gaze into his eyes and revel at the gift he is.

Thank you Jesus!


Members said...

How beautiful. You are a mommy in love with your creator and there's really no better place to be. As you look at Griffin, you are overwhelmed with how he's changing already and savoring each moment with him!
love you,

Members said...

hey, are you going to start back up on "Valiant Journey". I'm going to try to do better about updating my blog and getting back to a health centered focus. Let's do this!