or shall I say mile"groans"- I only joke about this because of course I want Owen to progress and advance as all parents truly want for their kiddos, but I groan because my little baby is GROWING UP!
I just packed away the bottles (sniffle, sniffle). I am relieved to have broken the habit successfully, but sad that the era of his baby days are over. In fact, other than diapers and a "baby" carrier, he's more toddler than baby. So, we are now onto the search for the perfect sippy cup. It's been quite an unfruitful quest so far so, if you have a tried and true suggestion for me, I'm all eyes. We haven't progressed from his carrier yet because, one, he's only 17 pounds and we haven't needed to advance, but two, winter here is really cold and yuck and the carrier keeps him far more cozy than a coat would, so he doesn't even own a coat.
I shopped for a coat for him for next year yesterday. It was another sad experience of mystery and ultimate empty-handed shopping. I saw this really cute "big boy" coat that appeared that it might fit him next year and I looked at the size tag and it was 12 months-ugh. I put it on him and it hung about 4 inches too big in the arms and waist, which probably means I should've bought it but I was too sad to get him a coat for an infant when he would be wearing it as a 2 year old.
I realize, once again, I am not majoring on the majors and that many people would say, oh just get what fits and be happy he's healthy, blah, blah, blah-ok, duh. I know that stuff. I am. But as his mommy, I'm sad for the little things that make it a challenge to give him a normal life. Here's a perfect example: I was searching for the perfect outfit for him to wear for 15 month pictures. I must shop in the 6-9 months clothes. Since it's so cold here I wanted to get something with an essence of spring but not shorts and certainly not a wintery sweater, etc. Well, 3 major department stores later, I came home with a pillow for me (which Tim has stolen) and a "dust buster" for the boys since I'm tired of sweeping up their crumbs. Note here how I didn't mention the perfect outfit. Why? Because, things that are 6-9 months size look babyish. Part of me doens't mind, but I hate it when people ask me how old my baby is and seem shocked when I say 15 months. I can help him look a bit more age-appropriate by dressing him like his age and not size-but we run into problems (as all parents with short stature kids discover and must cope with) with how darn challenging it is to get things -most of which must be tops and bottoms, to fit him right.
Um, that might've been a bit of a not-so-well thought out paragraph. Anyway, to end on the positive, it is fun to have him at the mall now and see him walk across the play area and other parents look at him like he's a prodigy since he looks too small to be walking;-)
Better go so I can prepare for Lafayette's 3rd blizzard in a year! (for those of you wondering #1 was Feb 14th 07, #2 was mid-Dec 07 and #3 is supposed to hit tonight-milk, bread and eggs-oh my!)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
more milestones...
Posted by Renay at 1:48 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Eureeka! Owen's big milestone ALERT!
I can hardly believe it...he went from wobbly to walking in just days! God is so good. I'll post more soon about his PT, new shoes, and such! Enjoy! Way to go Owey! Also, this video is available if you scroll all the way to the bottom in a bit larger format from you tube;-)
Posted by Renay at 11:54 PM 10 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
call to prayer...
Well, since I couldn't sleep, I was doing some fellow blogger catching up and I came across this AMAZING blog (http://www.cfhusband.blogspot.com) about a couple who's lives remind me that my silly "worries" are so insignificant ---there are people out there in the world like Nathan, Tricia and Gwyneth fighting for their lives. I must forewarn you (because you can easily spend a good chunk of time reading), it is very in depth as Nathan has blogged TONS of details about their recent journey of Tricia giving birth to their premature daughter all while fighting for her own life and working to get well enough for a double lung transplant-I can't even FATHOM! Their faith is amazing and will bless you-if you can start back in December 2007 to get the full story. And please, PRAY for them! I will also put a link on the side so you can find them easily in the future for updates!
Posted by Renay at 8:33 AM 3 comments
The amazing broncho bucking baby!
"I can't" isn't a reason to give up...it's a reason to try harder. ~Anonymous
Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.--Ralph Waldo Emerson
What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?--Robert Schuller
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway. ~Mary Kay Ash
I couldn't sleep (starting around 3am) and I remembered I had wanted to post about some of Owen's latest and greatest so here goes...please be aware (since I am) I may ramble a bit.
So, from the quotes from above, you may've caught on, this is a post mostly about determination. Owen is one determined kid. He's also funny, funny, funny! I so wish I could capture his amazing personality and put it here for all to see. He's just so FUNNY!
My sister Amanda (from WI who got married this past summer) and her husband Jason got Owen this silly "zebra" toy for his birthday-and truth be told, it just wasn't right for Owen. I knew the minute we put it together, that Owen would probably out grow it developmentally, before growing into it physically. Let me paint the picture for you. It's a ride on toy like a rocking horse, but it's a zebra on a post and it would swivel and bob up and down (when used properly). It has a weight limit up to 50 pounds, so Jake gave us a demo and it looked like he was on a mechanical bull. It was a riot. But, when Owen was put on it, it was clear he was about 5-6 inches (in leg length) too small. It made me sad, but I love my sister dearly and she picked it out so we brought it home and added it to the "at home toy store" Owen has acquired.
Well, not long after getting it home (late Nov), as Owen began pulling himself up, etc, we realized, while not the intended use, Owen enjoyed standing on the opposite side from the "saddle" and holding the hand grips and bouncing up and down on his own standing power and rolling the toy chamber on it and making it light up and playing music. And, I really can't stress how dramatic he is when he does this. Occasionally, someone will put him on the saddle and hold his hips and let him ride it like it's intended use, but he always goes back to his drama baby interpretation of how the toy "should've" been intended.
Well, low and behold, 2 days ago, the kid figured out how to climb on it and sit on the saddle-now he's not heavy enough to make it bounce, and he's not tall enough for his feet to touch the base-but darn it-he gets on there (after much effort and fussing) and rides it for all he's worth. So, here's a picture show of his efforts-including some that show off his crazy eye closing and such. More about this in a moment...
I really love a good hand-me-down....and this next photo shows one of them. Some of you may know Jacob was also a preemie. He unexpectedly decided to arrive over 6 weeks early (09-27-03) and had his own rough start to life. He had a few motor delays like walking and this is a great item my mom found at a yard sale to help him with standing, etc. I really hesitated getting it out for Owen as it's really made for a "taller" child but he is really enjoying it and as you can tell from the photos, was really "hamming it up" for me.
Ok, so for the one where he's pushing the car-ahhhhh....one of his fav past-times. In fact, he gets VERY frustrated if the cars and trucks don't roll just like he wants.
Posted by Renay at 4:01 AM 8 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Too hot to handle...the AMAZING FLAMEBONEY!
Did the title pique your interest?
Another successful spirit day accomplished. What on earth was today's theme, you ask?
Well, it was circus day, of course! Why else would my son be aflame having animals jumping through a burning ring of fire (is Johnny Cash playing in your mind yet?). Don't worry, he's wearing a heat proof glove and the blue "safety" handle is made from special material to prevent heat transfer (gotta love blue painters tape).
For those of you "green" readers, don't worry, I recycled Mondays Saran Wrap Icicle, by wrapping today's ring with the saran wrap before setting it aflame with, no doubt, recycled tissue paper (it's the flame tissue paper from TJ's fiery inferno costume). School is hard. Look closely, the animal is mid-air.
Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the making of this post.
Posted by Renay at 11:09 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
Icicles, stairs and cousins
Today when I was talking to my friend Amy on the cell phone I was multitasking and picking up TJ from school when, I found myself unable to focus on our conversation as this is what I saw: Yes, I helped make him into icicle boy, but I had forgotten. It is spirit week at school and today was "polar day". So, with no polar type shirts nor toys, I got out the saran wrap and started wrapping his head. This, plus the snowflake robe was the end result. TJ was labeled as the most creative, so that was fun;-) I couldn't not tell Amy about icicle boy as I was chuckling and when I tried to describe him, she said she couldn't imagine, so this is the background info;-)
Here (below) is Owen trying to get up the stairs past the gate-he was successfully able to scale over it (the gate) and was elated when he reached the halfway point of our "landing type" stairwell;-)
I just got back from a Pampered Chef conference (shameless plug:-) Tim stayed home with the boys while I was gone. When I returned, Owen was standing, taking steps, giving hugs, etc. Tim says he (Owen) can do all our steps in less than 60 seconds-he's right.
Lastly, here are the latest cousin pix from earlier this month. Drew is only 9 months (and very mid-sized when it comes to babies his age)...Owen is 14 months. I've requested Drew's hand-me-downs:-)
Posted by Renay at 6:40 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
14 months and counting...and you'll shoot your eye out kid!
Yep, that's right...Owen has hit the big 14 month mark (well, he will tomorrow January 3rd, anyway;-) I had him weighed and measured today at the Pediatrician's office-his New Year's stats are as follows: Height 26 3/4 inches, Weight 17 pounds even, and a head circumference of 46 cm. Which makes him about the size of your ave 6 month old for length and weight. His head is right on track for his age though. Love those big headed boys!
He has his bottom 2 teeth now cut all the way thru and none on top (though I really thought he was cutting some with his recent fussiness). He still has PT and OT, but the Occupational therapist says he is doing so well that she dropped us to once per month sessions as Owen continues to meet his goals. He isn't standing alone or walking yet but he sure can get around. Check out Owen trying on Jake's "Torch" costume-he was really fired up about it (he, he, he.)
On another note, my family visited for Christmas this weekend and we had a wonderful time together. We celebrated a belated Christmas and TJ finally got some things from his wish list. Luckily, there has been no need yet to make up stories about killer icicles and such.
Posted by Renay at 2:01 PM 1 comments