A case almost as renowned as the "who shot JR" series finale of Dallas...uh, er-ok, so maybe...not so much....
The crime scene. Found 11:02pm in the Master Bathroom.
Suspect #1 The most likely perpetrator-Spidey Boy, aka The big brother. Good fit for the perp-last seen with the victim. Skilled with tools, motive: unknown.
Suspect #2: Not so likely, but with stealth like speed possible perp. Motive, none.
Suspect #3 The victim aka Jacob and now "Buzz". Motive: none. However, was present during the crime. Looks like a mug shot to me.
The crime? See exhibit A
Mom (me) plans to head to bed last night and finds the evidence (picture 1) in her (MY!) bathroom. Hmmmm....she thinks-but in the tired stooper she's in, she decides she'll investigate in the morning. Fast forward 9am today. Mom asks "Jake" about the missing chunk of hair from his head. His answer "I dunna know". Mom asks again. His new answer "TJ made me do it. Mom says, "WHAT!!!" Are you sure TJ told you to do this? What did he say. Jacob responds, uh, I don't remember. Mom: Jacob, tell mommy how this happened. Jacob: Uhm er, :::::stammers and stutters:::::: TJ said to do it really fast. Mom:okey dokey, we'll have to talk to TJ about this. In the meantime-let's see what we can do about this new "do" of yours.
Uh, I don't think so.
Ah, much better. Fast forward 3pm today. Mom: TJ, you have one chance to tell the truth-THE FIRST TIME!....tell me what you know about Jacob cutting his hair. TJ::::deer in head lights type of confused look:::: uh, Jake cut his hair? Mom: JACOB!!!!! Tell mommy the truth right now! Did TJ tell you to cut your hair? Jacob: Yea. TJ: NO I didn't Mom: JAKE! Jacob: he didn't.
Ahhhh, sweet victory. Case closed-not so sure what to do about the missing size of Alaska chunk outta his head, but-at least we know he did it to himself and he has to live with it. He is quite embarrassed and wore a hat most of today. But, I don't know that preschool allows hats
Oh well, a first.
Onto the story of Jacob's 4th Birthday and party.
Jacob turned 4 Thursday September 27th. It seems like just yesterday that I had him---a little stinker then too. He just couldn't wait to make his debut unto this world showing up a full 6 weeks early. Thus, giving us our first taste of the NICU experience. The 1st longest 10 days of my life. He was quite a sick little boy. On a vent, then C-pap, nasal cannula, feeding tube, etc. We finally got to bring our little peanut home (birth weight 5 # 13 oz, lowest 5#6oz).
Look at him now!
Thanks Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jason for the liability, uh, I mean Scooter! Ahh, it's ok, Mamaw Becca got him a helmet, knee pads, and shoulder pads-it's all good.
Jacob also says thanks to his Uncles Andrew and Zach for the Moon Sand stuff, Mamaw/Papaw Harbath for the very popular with the neighbor kids Spidey Skateboard (candy, moon sand, etc), Aunt Heath, Uncle Lee for the story board and other goodies, Uncle Casey/Aunt Kristi for the card/$, and Grandma/Grandpa Valiant for the DVD's, and savings bond!
It was a fun few days and I can't believe my boy is 4!!!
Absolutely Adorable!!! Love the mohawk improv.
YaYa to Bryan
Sweet haircut Jakey!
We'll keep praying for wisdom for the specialists examining Owey.
Really fun post! I've forgotten how mischevious children can be! Also was interested to catch up on your visit with the genetecist. Sigh. I guess the best answer is that you have a wonderful, happy baby boy with nothing "wrong" with him. Perfect in every way. Happy Birthday Jacob. Nice haircut:)
Jennifer/Owen W's grandma/Cat's mom
Renay, WoW! That was ALOT of information!! I am still digesting it all sweetie! Happy Birthday to Jacob and way to grow to Owey!! Love the haircut, I guess they all must be a barber at some point in life and the middle of the forehead is the easiest place to start!
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