The end of an era! I can't believe we are done. Can I just say that again? (Of course, it's my blog) I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE DONE! My precious Owen Elijah has been a trooper (as displayed below).
So, for those of you other unstable weepy ones out there, I bet you'll understand when I say, it was a complete emotional release when I realized we are done "with Chicago trips". I was kinda sad all while being ecstatically (new word?) happy and feeling so blessed that we made it through more trips to Chicago than I can count on all my fingers without too many hang ups or issues-certainly no added expenses like speeding tickets for example (a few scares maybe, but no tickets).
I am waiting for the before and after photos from Crainal Tech, but I know he looks FABULOUS DARLING! Just fabulous! We have proof...we have a "head sicle". Yep, it's a wooden mold of Owen's head on a stick prior to beginning treatment. A little wacko, but it's a parting gift for our three grand purchase, and yes, we also get to keep his stinky band as a memento of our efforts.
Well, I guess that's all for now. What will I do without my part-time job of weekly chauffeuring trips? I'm sure I'll find something;-) Another parting gift, a high class certificate of his accomplishment-his first of many diplomas!!!
Ahhhh, Owey and daddy are so cute!
He's still smiling...but it's early!
Open Arms
14 years ago
He looks really, really good Renay....and cute to boot!
Owey! You look FABULOUS!
I am glad your gradution went well!
Fabulous news!
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