Many of my blogosphere pals have done this already and I’m following suite. I hope you will too-if you do, please leave a comment so I can read yours and learn more fun stuff about you. You’re officially tagged, don’t let me down.
Where is your cell phone? Probably in the mud room.
Your significant other? He’s an amazing man. He’s My soul mate and a wonderful patient father. He’s a reader, a book collector, great teacher, brilliant financial whiz and dedicated Walgreens manager. He has a great sense of humor that many don’t quite get. He’s a staunch republican. He has bunches of quirks that make me crazy yet, love him even more. He’s also very fit and can run like lightening. I’m a huge fan and the president of his fan club.
Your hair? Is kinda short now and I’m just getting the hang of how to style it (I guess). I’m glad I have hair.
Your mother? Is the mom God chose for me and I love her deeply. She is a very giving woman and the best grandma ever. She’s also recently lost a bunch of weight and looks great. She has had an amazing life filled with challenges and health problems but has always come out a stronger person from it.
Your father? Is the dad God chose for me and I love him deeply. I know he loves us all very much too.
Your favorite thing? Um, other than my God, family and friends…I’m liking my bike and kid trailer, my computer, my new hair cut, and my plastic coca-cola cups (I have only 3 left). Oh, my other new fav thing is gong on cruises.
Your dream last night? I don’t remember any.
Your favorite drink? My new fav is ice water but my old fav is fountain diet pepsi.
Your dream/goal? Well, I would like to run a marathon. And I would like to lose weight and reclaim my body and health. But my ultimate goal is to be a Godly wife and raise my 3 boys (and any future children) in the discipline and admonition of the Lord. I pray we will be a healthy happy and above all Godly family and bring others to knowing the saving grace of Jesus.
The room you are in? My living room now (I started this in the kitchen).
Your ex? Which one? I’d rather not go there.
Your fear? I have many. I can't watch demonic or super scary movies as they give me irrational fears. I fear my family members passing on only because I am selfish and would miss them. I fear my childrem getting injured in a life altering (or ending) way. I fear automobile accidents and flying in small planes. I am completely public speaking phobic. I fear tax audits. I fear house fires. I fear what people think of me and worry they don't believe the best even though those are my intentions. I fear messing up as a nurse and causing harm to a patient or their baby. I fear someday the Lord will not say "well done good and faithful servant-I am proud to call you my daughter".
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Continuing on a healthy lifestyle path and possibly with one more child.
Where were you last night? I was on my couch watching AI, and House
What you are not? I’m not healthy but I am working on it. I am in pain from trying to get healthy, my legs are killing me.
Muffins? I’m not really a muffin girl. I could live without them.
One of your wish list items? Too many too list. I would like rocks for landscaping my yard and some pretty day lillies.
Where you grew up? Linden IN
The last thing you did? Talk to my sis on the phone while cleaning Owen off from his lunch, but we are about to head out to the mall for a play date.
What are you wearing? Jeans and a bright green short sleeved top
Your TV? Is a close friend. I love who my TV becomes when I turn it on. Another guilty pleasure and addiction. I love my DVR equally though. Deal or no deal is now on in the back ground (it took a while for me to finish this post).
Your pets? Just one, an aquatic frog that we rec’vd as a tadpole. He (or she) is like a fish since it lives in the water and people thnk we are cruel that we keep him alone in a small tank but it’s how he’s supposed to be raised. We’ve had him now for 2 ½ years. I cried once when I thought he was dying, now sometimes I wish he’d kick th ebucket since he’s a pain to keep his tank clean. But he needs to live thru next week so I can take him to TJ’s schoolfor pet day.
Your computer? Is a great Compaq Presario laptop and I would have it with me everywhere if I could, it might be a bit of a guilty pleasure (ok it’s an obsession, but whatever).
Your life? Is incredibly blessed and I am not always as grateful for it as I should be.
Your mood? Really great! (I’ve been heading downhill all day though with my legs hurting and I’m unusually weary.
Missing someone? I miss my kids when I’m away from them and I sometimes miss that all my grandparents passed away either before I was bornor when I was young.
Your car? Is a wonderful gift from my hub. I drive a 2005 Toyota Sienna and it’s cool.
Something you are not wearing? Socks nor shoes which is a huge preference of mine. I prefer sandals but the snow keeps that an impossible (or at least dumb) year round feat.
Favorite store? For what? I really like Target and try to say out to save money. Kohl’s, bath and body, and the hallmark store sometimes. I like shopping online and thru ebay.
Your summer? Will be laid back and lazy. I will just enjoy my boys being home with me.
Like someone? Of course, but I don’t have a specific cute answer here. I guess I like Carl Edwards the Nascar driver of the 99 Ford Fusion who does back flips when he wins. He has one in the cup series 3 times this year already. He’s on fire. And just seems like a genuinely good guy.
Your favorite color? Really girly pink. I love baby pink Gerber daisies too.
When is the last time you laughed? Hmmm…I laugh out loud at TV shows all the time. I can’t remember laughing really hard since the last time I had friends over and we played games. We always crack up till we near cry or pee ourselves (alcohol free ta boot;-)
Last time you cried? Oh my gosh, when we were on the way back from our Cruise and TJ and watched Bridge to Teribithia- I bawled like a BABY!!! It was a great movie but it moved me deeply!
Ok, now it’s your turn.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Just for fun (a meme???)
Posted by Renay at 8:13 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Bye, bye sanity...
I was up early today, but the boys were up at a pretty normal time. Owen gleefully ate his powered donuts (obviously he's not on my diet) and then he was so messy I undressed him (well, down to his diaper). He quickly located his shoes and brought them to me-it was so cute, I thought, well, it will make a cute picture, so I put them on him. It was going great until I ran to the van to get the camera and UGH, he followed me! He must've thought with shoes on, we were going bye, bye. So, when he realized it wasn't so, he followed up with this...
and this...
and this...
and it went on and on so I decided to record it so you can all see the head spinning from my last post. Yes, there is crying involved but I do talk to him some in it which is a bit comical-so if you can deal with it, keep the sound on for a good laugh. And finally, pray for me, as I am contemplating a psych ward admission (for me, not Owen;-). Oh and it's a little dark in the beginning but it lightens up;-)
Ok so I can't get it to work, so put it at the bottom as a you tube video called "Owen cries" -enjoy;-)
Posted by Renay at 9:39 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Major Meltdown
Owen is a good baby. He is. Thus, he must have MPD because I swear to you yesterday I saw Linda Blair in her infamous role in the Exorcist come right out of Owen!
The kid is having major withdraw apparently from our binkie breaking addiction. So there we were, right in the middle of Chick-fil-A when the whole head spinning thing started-my oh my...what happened to my precious baby? I seriously contemplated shoving the binkie back in his mouth right then and there and just writing a letter to his future wife apologizing that we never broke the habit.
It was surreal.
I have to tell myself sometimes, this is the same kid I spent 12 weeks on strict bedrest for and rivers of tears on. Wow-was he something else.
So, I took him to the van and strapped him in-I would have used a straight jacket had I had one, but I settled for our overpriced Brittax carseat. He sat there like he was coming down from a haldol injection. He looked pathetic and worn out from his full body convulsions. I feel stupid that I tried to give him a mint or sip of lemonade to calm him down (prior to our exit from the dining area) so I could stay there chatting with a friend. No chance-any longer and we would've been kicked out.
Ahhh...and to think that was just the first of many, MANY tantrums-and he's only 17 1/2 months old. Ugh.
He is also doing another interesting thing...he's crying and screaming when his brothers take things from him. He's such a cry baby and tattle tell-already. I'm so calling Dr. Phil for an intervention-or maybe the Super Nanny. Jo, can you help?
Right now he is writing on a magna doodle and it's super cute, 2 minutes from now, his head may be spinning again...who knows. I'll take the bad with the good (if I have to).
Oh and back to the binkie breaking-I've also noticed he seems to be teething so of course this was the best possible time to rip away a source of comfort for my poor kiddo who is writhing in pain. Great idea, really.
Awww...he just clapped for himself in delight at his art work. Then I ruined it by grabbing the camera and he threw himself on the floor. Uh, yea...I think his 18 month pictures will be grand!
Ok, well, pray for me. I'm off to the yellow pages to search under E for exorcism.
Posted by Renay at 9:53 AM 4 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Bye, bye binkie!
I haven't posted in a while because we were-uh, well out of the country...a fabulous Cruise that I earned compliments of my pampered chef gig;-) We went to the Bahamas and it was so wonderful. TJ came along and Owen and Jake stayed with my mom (thanks mom!). I have tons of details to share (mostly just to journal the memories) but it's already late tonight so you'll have to wait. I will probably do separate posts for each day of our trip.
But, this post is to say that we are officially 36 hours binkie free. From the moment we picked Owen up yesterday from my mom, we have not given him his binkie (which he used mostly for naps anyway). It is going ok-really pretty well by most standards but for me I am sad since it is one more sign that I am losing my baby and he can be quite the whiner so I usually plugged him up when I tired of hearing him whine-no more of that lazy momming;-)
So, I guess that's it for this post-here's a few pics of the boys before they headed off to grama's for their 10 day stay;-)
Posted by Renay at 11:36 PM 2 comments
Monday, April 07, 2008
Home stretch
It's true, I am in the home stretch of my fund raising efforts for the March of dimes WALK FOR BABIES. I need to turn in all my donations to my team's leader this week (before we leave on vacation!!!). Our team once again is Lydia's Grace and is in memory of Lydia Grace Focosi who went home to be with our Lord on the day of her birth back in December. Her mom Amy is a dear friend who has worked tremendously hard organizing a team and collecting donations and this is the least I can do.
Lydia holding her daddy's hand
Lydia's feet nestled safely in mommy's loving hands
Amy, Mike and son Alex at the balloon release after Lydia's memorial service
Lydia and Mommy-hand in hand
As most of you know I also have had problems causing premature birth with 2 of my 3 pregnancy's and the March for babies is very near and dear to my heart. I am one of the fortunate ones to have 2 good outcomes with these very dark times of having a baby be born prior to full-term gestation-too many others aren't so fortunate and must cope with unexpected infant loss, and long term health problems.
Precious Owen Elijah born at 32 weeks gestation-just 2 pounds 13 ounces
Would you please join me in helping meet my final goal of raising $500??? If all my readers would give even a few dollars (it's super easy, just click the side bar and you can even give via secure cc transaction;-) we would easily surpass my goal which can go a long way to help others. Thanks for your consideration! Please click my sidebar link for March for Babies right now!
Many blessings to you all!
Posted by Renay at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Happy 17 months old Owen!
Today Owen turned 17 months old! I took him for the monthly weighing in and measuring and here's where he is now: he weighed in at 18 pounds 2 ounces which is GREAT weight gain (up 10 ounces from last month). His length was 28 3/8 inches (which is barely up from 28 1/4 inches), and his head circumference was up 1/2 cm.
So he is still pretty much on his same curve that is well below the "average" with no "catch-up" to the average growth curve. Oh, and he's around the 25% if you just compare him weight for height (which means a little scrawny even for his shortyness-another Renayism).
He's SOOOO active!!! He is walking everywhere, though not completely stable on his feet (thus easily falls). He tries to move around dancing but it really just looks like he is walking around in circles with his head high and a BIG goofy smile on his face.
He now has 7 teeth! 2 on bottom, the 4 in front on the top, and one top molar has cut all the way through:-)
The program that helps us make sure Owen is developing on track (First Steps) has reevaluated him and has qualified him for more therapies because of our difficulties communicating with him and his resulting frustrations. He does know a handful of signs and his latest to pick up is "please", though modified, as he just wasn't doing the traditional way. He does "sing" and says ma-ma and da-da on command, but not to get our attention per se.
Oh, and he's climbing! Everywhere! In fact, he just strategically positioned a toy so that he could climb up on the couch while I was typing this...and now he's crying since I foiled his plans. He also walks around with a toy phone to his ear all the time or if he sees me pick up the phone and his toy phone isn't close by, he'll raise his had to his ear for a "pretend" phone-super cute!
He's also quite the custodian as you can see from the pictures.
Posted by Renay at 4:28 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Tricia's new lungs!
Nate has updated and says it's a go and Tricia is in the OR! Isn't it amazing that I don't even "know" these people yet I am so pulling for them! Praise God in His faithfulness to give Tricia new lungs (a second chance and hopefully a good number more years to raise her precious newborn Gwyneth), Nate the most wonderful birthday present ever, and of course so much more! Pray hard as many things must go well from here on:) Follow Nate's thoughts through this emotional roller coaster by clicking here.
Posted by Renay at 8:13 PM 1 comments
My first Marriage...
Was to Tim and it was my only marriage;-) It's a joke between he and I where he has always said in the game "2 truths and a lie" that TJ is his son from his first marriage as one of his "truths" and of course, he is-both of us have only been married once, to each other, and only have the 3 kiddos:-) Apparently, not everyone gets my sense of humor-and that's ok:-) Apparently, there are also a lot of blog reading lurkers on here who NEVER leave a comment, and that's ok too but please know I do wish I knew who regularly (and not so regularly) checks in on us:-)
All in good fun:-)
PS No word yet about Tricia's new lungs;-(
Posted by Renay at 3:28 PM 3 comments
A call to prayer!
Hey everyone, I was just checking Nate's blog and they have gotten a call about a possibility of new lungs for Tricia! And it's Nate's birthday-wouldn't that be so amazing for her to get new lungs on his birthday??? Please pray that these lungs would be a perfect match and for the family of the donor, because obviously for her to get new lungs, someone else has passed theirs on.
Posted by Renay at 11:34 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Checking in pays off
I have a proud mommy moment to share-but first a little background. We send our son TJ (you know the one from my 1st marriage) to a private Christian school. We love it at Faith and so does he. We've never had any problems. He's a pretty good boy and quite bright. Well, recently, he brought home his report card and he had all A's, except one B...not a big deal except something just didn't seem right. He is highly capable of straight A's and we expect it of him b/c of his capableness (new word??). In fact, he has always gotten straight A's -I feel very blessed to share that. I know many parents are pleased when their kiddos bring home C's b/c that is their best. We have the same philosophy so we will always celebrate our kids "best" whether it's A's or what have you. TJ has struggled with penmanship (which I think is nearly obsolete since computers are everywhere and going paperless is how I see our future) and has gotten B's in it (which may or may not have been his best, but his school does not count penmanship in GPA or honor roll, etc.
Well, this B was not in penmanship. It was in Bible. TJ always knows his memory verses-hands down that kid knows more verses than me. He has a really good memory-me, Momnesia. But, on his report card he had a B. Progress reports had not indicated that he was performing at a B level and he has never told me that he'd been missing memory verses but as a parent I wondered if maybe he was hiding it from me and had been slacking.So, I wrote a "nice" note with his signed report card and low and behold IT WAS A MISTAKE! He was supposed to get an A+ not a B+!!! I have never been so happy to get a call from school in my life (and he's never been so happy to be called up to the teachers desk). His teacher was so apologetic and kind about the whole mix up.
And I am so proud of my TJ! He got ALL A's -even in handwriting. I wanted to post a picture of him and his report card, but my little genius forgot it at school (and lost his lunch box) but it's still a red letter day because he got all A's!!!
Posted by Renay at 3:17 PM 4 comments