Thursday, April 30, 2009

On the news...

Here is the link for a partial story segment of our 7 seconds of fame...the segment that ran actually showed me holding Griffin and had my voice playing and showed Tim and Jake and Owen in the Van. If you look closely after clicking the link, the car seat is ours (in our van) and that is Owen in the background;-)

Worth the wait?

It's not a's a statement.

Griffin WAS worth the wait!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Eat, Burp, Poop, Sleep, Repeat

This is a summation of how Griffin spends his time. Except last night-he skipped the sleep part;-) And he often poos way more than I remember newborns possibly being able to. Seriously. It's all coming back to me...sleep deprivation of the parents of a newborn-ahhhhh.

He's been really sweet though and he has the most kissable face and head! I love his new baby scent-I could snuggle and hold him forever.

The boys have all been quite sweet with him so far as well. Tim has been a great and patient daddy (and husband). And I have been a sleepy momma.

I had forgotten how the littlest things send panic into me-diaper rash, spitting up, gagging, the healing of a circumcision-I feel like a first time mom again. I could make a mountain outta any molehill.

I'm so glad to be home as a fanily. I can hardly believe Griffin is 5 days old already.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Going home and on the news...

Today we are packing up and going home! Wouldn't you know I am soooo sleepy today too-I think this fabulous rainy day isn't helping.

Anyway, I was just woke up to a coworker coming in and excitedly exclaiming "it's Renay"! She informed me she was in my room to ask me (but she didn't know it was me) to help by doing a segment for the news on car seat safety. SO, I sleepily agreed and I think I said some lame things on camera and now Tim is down at the circle drive allowing them to demonstrate our car seat being installed.

I bet I look lovely;-) And bet Tim was shocked too as I sprung it on him via phone as he was on his way with donuts for me;-) I don' know when the segment will be but will post later if I find out.

Monday, April 27, 2009

It'a a beautiful thing...

to see all your boys together

for the first time ever

and to know

they just love

each other

because they are brothers.

So this is how it's supposed to be...

I took this picture of me and Griffin just moments ago-he's now officially discharged from the NICU!!! I haven't had my own child room in with me during my post partum recovery period since TJ-over 9 years ago. Wow! So this is how it's supposed to be;-)

Day 4...

Catchy titles, eh?

This morning has been a harder one than the others so far. I woke up frequently last night. I also had been trying to wean myself off the pain medication 1) because it made me so foggy and sleepy and 2) because I was not having that bad of pain. Unfortunately, less pain meds=more pain. *NOTE* ridiculous severe stabbing pain that I didn't know was possible. *Additional Note* there are no awards for being on one pill vs 2-take 2.

So, my doctor came in to check up on me while I was having a "beat myself up" over the pain meds thing and decided to keep me one more day to make sure I can manage-which was probably a good move because I could seriously hardly walk 10 feet to the bathroom. He also is doing Griffin's circumcision *ouch* as I type. Griffin's nurse said his bilirubin levels are down so he may come off the lights-they hadn't rounded on him yet though. I think my MD was wanting him to come into my room and allow me time with him tonight also. This is all good news as I would guess it means we could go home together tomorrow.

That's my mid-morning update. I'm sure I'll post more pics, etc later;-)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 3...

Griffin has had a good day and I'm feeling on the upswing too.

He has been wrapped in a bili-blanket today because his bilirubin levels were high. Very expected with NICU babies.

The boys visited and we had a "celebratory" meal that the hospital provides...I took the photo:-)

I'm guessing Griffin will be able to go home shortly after I am discharged tomorrow-I'd say no more than 1-2 days, but I know he may be here longer.

That's it for today as I've been mostly sleepy and don't have much more to report;-)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lots of progress...

Griffin has remained off any type of breathing aides since late last night (yay!:-).

I also got to hold him today (for 3 HOURS!!!). And he started bottle feeding today-and I got to give him his FIRST feeding-which he took like a CHAMP!

And, my itching is GONE!;-)

Here are a few photos of him-the first is from this am before the scalp IV was removed, but he looked so cute, I couldn't resist posting it.:

Hospital Day 2 -4:30am

I'm tired of itching...

I was acceptent (can't figure out how to spell this one;-) of it since it meant no incisional pain but now that I am losing ground on pain control and still itching like mad, it is making me feel more and more out of control. As an example, I scratched so much in my sleep that I pulled my IV out which means on oral pain and itching meds for now-which means less effective;-( But, again, it is all worth it as we have Griffin to show for it;-)

I just called over to NICU to talk to his nurse and a HUGE praise!!! Griffin is off CPAP and they even aren't using a nasal cannula right now-which, I think means his gorgeous little face and head are uncovered with bandages and equipment-YAY!

I think I will head off to see him and take more pics. How encouraging this news is. Now if only the itching could fade away...

Thank you all for praying and commenting, etc. It means so much to feel so much love;-) Please continue to pray for me and Griffin at the hospital and for Tim and the boys at home...they can visit me, but it's just so hard for them to understand and to be super quiet and self-controlled. I would love it if Tim were at my side tonight-I miss him so much.

Love and hugs to all:-)

Friday, April 24, 2009

13 hours old...

And I got to hold Griffin for about an was beautiful:-)

Happy Birthday Griffin!-more updates

Our precious boy is 8 hours old now.

I have so much I could share and my heart is aching that I sit here all alone typing a blog post instead of cuddling Griffy.

My mind is a bit foggy...there's certainly less clarity than I'd like-but I am DEFINITELY not complaining since I am sure part of the "fogginess" is due to pain meds and the meds I'm getting for the itching (which is only a little helpful;-).

Griffin is in the NICU in his little private room-I got to visit him and it was sooo sad to see him all alone in the room. It was also sad to see him all swollen and on CPAP (which is less than being ventilated *good* but more than a nasal cannula. He is on room air though which means he is only receiving the pressure from the machine and the reminder to breathe/help him work less-and not needing O2 is so good. While I was visiting him they came in to place an umbilical catheter. I left at that point because I felt I might add stress to the procedure to be breathing down them trying to do their jobs.

I am so shocked that I am all alone and not getting that precious time alone with him-just me and him. I haven't even held him yet (aside from the quick odd angle in the OR when they were trying to whisk him away to the NICU. But I am very thankful to have been to see him twice already.

I am not so down trodden that I can't see the bright side (how very few) and I still know this is ALL part of GOD's plan for Griffin's life.

Here is a photo of the boys visit...we had a birthday party for Griffin complete with homemade cupcakes and singing-it's too bad of course that Griffin couldn't be here but the boys seemed to enjoy it. They can't see Owen in the NICU due to RSV season and other bugs that hang on this time of year, but we had quite the slide show of pica on the laptop;-)

I am feeling very tired all of a sudden so I will try to edit and post more later...

Introducing Griffin...

He's here!

Griffin Isaiah Valiant

Friday April 24th, 2009 7:55 am

6 pounds, 12 ounce, 19 1/2 inches

Please pray ...Griffin has unfortunately experienced some challenges much like what Jacob was born with (Called HMD) and will be in the NICU for an undefined amount of time (likely at least 4 days:-(...and I am having uncontrollable itching and feelings of fidgityness (new word;-).

I will update more soon but this needed to be quick;-)

I am trying to remain upbeat in spite of these set backs but honestly am dissappointed and seeking "why".

Here's my gorgeous boy (at least the newest one:-)

My wish for you...

A note from mommy to her soon to be born baby boy Griffin Isaiah Valiant.

Precious Griffin,

It's just hours before your arrival into the world...what a big place for you to get to explore as you grow. Right now I'm not thinking so much about your future-as in what you'll be when you grow up or who you'll marry. I'm much more focused on God's plan for you for today.

I can't wait to meet you.

I can't wait to see your precious baby face and precious baby hands and precious baby feet.

I can't wait to smell your precious baby skin.

I can't wait to see your daddy and brothers meet you.

I can't wait for others to meet you as well.

I can't imagine loving you more than I have along while you were growing inside me.

Griffin, I pray the Lord has BIG plans for you...I KNOW He loves you more than I can even fathom. I know He loves me more than anyone else on this earth does as well.

Nothing we can do can drive Him away and put a wedge in our relationship with Him. I pray it is this way between you and I as well.

The Lord has planned for you to be in our lives. You have a wonderful Daddy, Tim-who will play with you, read to you, and sing to you. He will even get you all riled up before bedtime and get you in to trouble;-) You also have 3 amazing brothers:
TJ is 9 1/2 and in the 3rd grade. He's so bright and caring. He's a reader. He loves to play leggos and explore outdoors. Jacob is 5 1/2 and will start Kindergarten in the fall. He's quite the spitfire. He looks up to TJ and wants to be bigger. Jacob has a big heart (and temper). He's a great helper to us too. Owen is 2 1/2. He's a handful...a sweet miracle little boy who rarely stops talking. He is SOOO observant. He's a little smartie pants and always on the go...but we don't quite think he understands who you are yet or how you will change (enhance) our family.

Well sweet baby, the cameras are waiting to shoot tons of photos. Our cell phones are charged to call everyone with an update on your arrival. In just 3 short hours, you should be in your daddy's arms...a safe bet is that neither of us will be able to see your precious face clearly through our streams of tears.

Griffin, you have been worth the wait. I'm sooooo excited to meet you.

Love and tight cuddles to you very soon,

Your mommy, Renay

PS While I was writing this to you, a song was playing called "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts...the lyrics follow...but I must say, my biggest wish for your life is that you Love the Lord early and choose paths in life that show others why He is the way.

I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
and each road leads you where you want to go,
and if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
and if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' 'til you find the window,
if it's cold outside,
show the world the warmth of your smile,
but more than anything, more than anything,

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
all the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
and you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
and always give more then you take.

But more than anything, Yeah, and more than anything,

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
your dreams stay big, your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
and while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
this is my wish
I hope you know somebody loves you
may all your dreams stay big

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

7 pounds

Above is a photo of Owen at 3 months of age- I posted he was 7 plus pounds here:

3 months old

Today the U/S technician said she is "guessing" Griffin will weigh 7 pounds. She has been spot on with her own kiddos within days of their births. I think he will be bigger...but don't care since his health is (of course) my primary goal.

I just went through bunches of pics of Owen at 7 months old.

What an amazing kid he is.

All is on *plan* for Griffin's arrival Friday morning. Since Facebook is usually blocked by the hospital-you'll have to come "here" for first reports and photos. I doubt they'll allow my laptop in recovery, so it may be a few hours before there are posts (if you think I'm serious about recovery and the laptop thing, you may not know me as well as you think-my priority aside from having lots of photos snapped will be finally loving all over this baby. He's definitely been worth the wait-contrary to my "often" whiny posts;-).


I'm excited, nervous, scared, elated, etc. all bound in one "ready to go" momma.

Four boys...what a job promotion.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Say it isn't so...

What's Lafayette coming to? Read more here.

Sunday will be a bittersweet one:-( Sorry mom...will you ever visit me again?

Griffin's birthday weather forecast

From :

Apr 24

Partly Cloudy


Go figure. Our first 80 degree day (it's been rainy for 2 and is supposed to be tomorrow too) and I'll be having surgery.

Oh well. He's worth the wait and far supersedes a sunny spring day;-)

Tomorrow is my LAST MD appt, monitoring session and ultrasound-yippee!

Then, I get to start all over for Griffin's well-baby check-ups. And Owen has a 2 1/2 year check up coming. I have quite the list for the MD as Owen's small size and lack of catch up are always in the back of my mind-I'm not worried about him, I just want to make sure we are diligently caring for him and don't miss something since he's like the smartest and cutest 2 year old-a little bias maybe.

Just so ya know:

Bottles sterilized: check
Formula (at least some) on hand: check
Baby Clothes washed and ready: check
Baby blankets washed and ready: check
Cradle that Griffin probably won't sleep in: check
Diapers (probably worthless newborn sized;-): check
5000 diaper wipes: check, check

Am I forgetting anything? I think we are ready:-)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

36 weeks and 36 dollars

I can't believe I didn't post my 36 week milestone on wasn't much to share. Then I had my non-stress test Friday which went South quickly and required yet another extensive (aka expensive) test via ultrasound. So, a Biophysical profile was done just to make sure Griffin is behaving. He passed the BPP but failed his NST, so the gist here is I'm still preggo, Griffey is hangin' out-oh, bottoms up now apparently. I was shocked to be told his big ole noggin is down again. I don't really have any clue what any of this means-likely due to already taking my ambien tonight and feeling quite loopy;-)

I am excited about the end in site...5 days to go. What a blessing and SCARY realization. I'm going to be a mommy again!

So, about the $36 ---I thought it fitting to share my $36 purchase from Kmart...if you hadn't heard, my Lafayette KMart is doubling coupons up to $2 (so if you have some high value q' can get some very good deals. Here's my finds pic:

I spent less than $1 per item (averaged out). As you can see from the photo, I have continued the baby wipe stock up. I also found the best deal on our type of laundry detergent. A huge percentage of my finds were entirely free. The checker even noticed that I only had one item that wasn't free (a cadbury egg after Easter deal I couldn't pass up ;-)

What you can't see but I highly recommend you go in for is a great card deal-they sell American Greetings and have in store Q's available-the coupon says $2 off 3 cards, but it will be doubled to $4 so it will be $4 off 3 cards-fun;-)

They weren't out of a ton of stuff yet and it was pretty slow when I was there. It was my first time using super doubles-but it was fun (and tiring).

I may go back for the card deal and a few others but otherwise, I think we are stocked up and ready for Griff's arrival. I nervous, scared, giddy, and all around feeling inadequate to be his mommy.

I hope you will be able to enjoy some delicious deals from double coupons from KMart this week;-)

Last minute disclaimer-remember, I am highly ambienized so i fear this is a lame post. no making fun or I'll cry even more;-(

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Best money saving tip EVER...

Another one just for the ladies though...(not like any guys read my blog-except maybe my BIL Jason;-).

Ok, go to your favorite super center-you know, the kind that sell both groceries and clothes. What you do is go in, go to the "undergarments" section and grab some sports bras or even a bathing suit will do. Now go into the dressing room and try it/them on. Look in the ginormous 4 X 8 mirror under the ever so flattering fluorescent lighting. Alright-that should do go shop for food...

If you are like me, you are guaranteed to buy less food (especially less treat type or snacky food;-).

In case you are wondering and since I am on a TMI kick, I went to Walmart (for a quick return) and while I was there, I decided to grab a new sports bra-but, I tried it on. So I didn't buy it. It was sad. Do you think the baby could weigh in around 70 pounds? I hope so but I'm seriously doubting it.

Weight watchers in 3 weeks anyone?

For ladies only...

I mean it fellas-this is your last chance to avoid reading about girl things...

MEGA find ALERT!!!!

Okay ladies, I know my blog isn't intended for things like coupons, deals, and samples, but some are too incredibly good not to share-so here goes...

I signed up about 2 weeks ago for a sample from

I don't remember how I heard about the sample so I can't even give a blogger credit, but here is what it said it includes:

Sign up now to get a free beinggirl Sample Kit. Just fill out the quick survey below to begin! Included in the kit are:2 Regular Tampax Pearl Tampons, 1 Lite Tampax Pearl Tampon, 1 Always Infinity Feminine Pad, 2 Always Pantiliners, and 1 Always Feminine Wipe.

Well, well, my sample arrived-actually 2 complete samples and here is what was inside:

Now if you know me, you know the last thing I would talk about-and certainly not blog about is ones need for feminine hygiene products...however, and it's a biggie- can you see on the lower left hand of the picture-YES ladies, it's 2-count em' 2 coupons for "free happiness"-the new ALways Infinity 18 count package of pads. This is a huge value and frankly since I'm not a fan of pads (TMI, I am soooo aware) but must have them since I'm about to have a baby-well-you know;-)

So, head over to for your mega sample of pads, liners and tampons plus coupons (even some coupons for tampons) and rejoice in being a girl!

BTW, when I signed up for this sample, I answered all the survey q's and such in less than 5 minutes and it ended with telling me I wasn't eligible for this sample-yet I received 2 so who knows:-)

It's the final countdown...

are you singing along with me?

10 days (or less)...

that's 1 MD appt and 1 more ultrasound and 2 more monitoring sessions!


Todays appt took an impressive record breaker of only 1 hour 20 minutes including MD exam, ultrasound and monitoring. Griffin is SOOOOO active:-)

I measured 38 weeks (mind you I'm 35 weeks 3 days) and my fluid levels remained steadily high.

So, this is kinda a boring update but Kara requested it.

I must share some awesome deals at Walgreens this week...

If you are not familiar with register rewards (RR), you must educate yourself on these precious babies.

The deals include:

Skintimate shave gel-free with RR
Colgate Max Fresh toothbrush-free with RR 9you can easily find a printable coupon online as well)
Scuunci (sp?) hair tie thingies-free with RR
Chapstick-free with RR
Also, if you are familiar with he easy saver rebate program, they have a rebate for a free ink refill plus many other great deals through 4-25 I think.

Also on tax day (April 15th) here are some deals for ya:

I have found many other great deals through my side bar blog links this week-have fun!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Missed 35 week update and Easter pics

I don't really know how I missed it...but I did miss it.

I guess at this point not much seems any different-well-formed baby getting bigger: check.

Well formed momma belly getter bigger: check.

Erratic emotions and hormones: check.

Baby in unknown but likely non-head down position: check.

Daily (sometimes twice daily) need for pepcid: check, check.

Just for more fun, my BIL Jason thinks he has the guess for Griffin game in the he took home his prize already-he was awarded with 2-yes 2 bottles of skintimate shave gel. If he doesn't turn out to be the winner, no worries, I still have tricks up my sleeves. You'll see his mug below and why shave gel was the perfect prize for him.

I delivered Jacob at 34 weeks and 5 days gestation. He weighed in at 5 pounds 13 little Griffin here might not be so little. I am 35 weeks and 3 days today-the word is babies can gain 1/2 to one pound a week in the final few weeks. So, if I hold off until my c-section date and hit the 37 week mark, I'd guess Griffin will be at least 7 pounds and it won't surprise me if he's much more of a heffer;-)

I'm definitely in the fun stage of wondering if he'll have hair, if he'll look like his brothers, etc. But, I'm also in the not so fun continued state of's just a "I know too much about labor, delivery, and childbirth" deal but it can be a real downer.

Today I have my long appointments (super triple ugh)-with monitoring, an ultrasound, and seeing my MD. Too bad frequent flyer miles or something can't be rewarded for the number of hours spent in his office. I will update if there is anything worthy afterwards. I also have montoring on Friday. I will then see him for a long appt one last time next Tuesday and then it's D'day on the 24th...the end is so in sight-11 days!!!

Onto Easter:

It was a nice weekend. We had great weather and I had a house filled with family. I was spoiled with gifts for Griffin and little surprises and such all through the weekend. Owen's response to Easter was probably my highlight though-he loved hunting eggs and trying new flavors and textures...he was all about the peeps. "These are good, mom, mmmmmmm." he said with such clarity and sincerity. "Fank-you".

Here are random pics from the 2 days:

Hope you had a nice Easter as well.

PS my spelling/grammar checker was down so this is the best proofing I could do at 8am;-)

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Update on Surgery Date

My c-section is actually scheduled for Friday April 24th at 7am...the countdown is on. This means I only have to survive through 2 more MD appts, 2 Ultrasounds to check the fluid level and 4 Non-stress tests to make sure Griffin's heart rate is in check...and I got a really awesome coupon for popcorn and soda at my local theater-things might just be looking up;-)

Update from the edge...

...the edge of sanity, that is.

Yesterday was fine. Most of today was fine as well...then I went back to the at this point dreaded medical office where I receive prenatal care. So, the highlights were that Griffin's heart rate is still dropping (called a decel) from time to time but I am being told "it's nothing to worry about" *read here do you even know me to ask me not to worry*. My fluid dropped from 25 to 17, but I'm not supposed to find concern there either. Oh and the big iciing on the cake news: Griffin is breech again. Now wonder contractions 3 minutes apart aren't doing pressure on your cervix makes it harder to dilate.

I was scheduled for a c-section on April 28th at 9am.

I am to go into this fine medical establishment *read hell on earth* twice a week until I deliver...oh joy. If anyone has some extra padding (for my walls) or straight jackets lying around, I could use them ASAP.

I am sliding down a slippery slope of being blessed to be still pregnant to fearing that one of these times the decels that are "ok" will be past "ok"...I'm quite distraught over it.

I know this is a downer post...but in my defense, I left out a lot of worse downer junk and just thought I should update everyone on the current plan (which is likely a waste of thinking through).

If I don't post again this week, I hope everyone has a very blessed Easter.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Home now...

I was released this am. I am going to nap now as last night wasn't "stellar" for sleep;-)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Hospital update

I believe I mentioned in the last post that all plans are made to be changed...

I was right.

I believe I'll be back to blogging from home tomorrow. Griffin's heart rate has been stellar for the past 36 plus hours so, knock on laminate flooring (closest thing to wood to me) I'll be released in the morning.

At first, I was very distraught over the thought of going home since there's no wonderful momitor to "show" that Griffin is ok, but afer a gloomy, poor me day, God has given me peace and reasoning.

I don't have much to say other than wanting to update everyone with this latest news. If you are praying, please pray that when Griffin comes, he is healthy and that while I spend my days waiting for his arrival at home that I would enjoy my final days or weeks of carrying him (vs being the stressed lunatic I was this am:-).


Friday, April 03, 2009

April Fool? Or maybe not so much...34 weeks update.

Where to begin?

I am 34 weeks! Yay! The Ultrasound Wednesday morning showed Griffin to be 4 pounds 14 ounces. My fluid was high, but still normal and all seems to be fine with my gestational diabetes and blood pressure.

I woke up Wednesday morning (6am) contracting a way. I knew I was going to the MD's midmorning so I waited till my 9:30 appt. He confirmed that I was contracting but he decided at 34 weeks, with no obvious progression and me not needing pain medication, I would need to just tough it out-so we spent the day trying to keep me distracted.

Over the course of the day, the contractions were harder to be distracted from and eventually at 1am I could take no more (pain, no sleep=bad combo) so I went up to the hospital to be monitored and seeking something to help me relax a bit.

Griffin looked beautiful on the monitor, but I was indeed having 2-3 minute apart contractions-so I got some *good* meds and dozed a very little bit. The medicine wore off all too quickly and it was going again on 6am-no sleep in 24 hours plus lots of pain and concern=not a good combo.

So, my MD decided to give me a stronger shot that should induce sleep-hopefully 4 plus hours worth. I did get that delicious sleep I needed so badly and then thought I'd be released. But, as all plans are made to be changed, this plan of mine was not my MD's plan and he decided I should stay for another night of observation (boy, did I not see that coming). So, I surprisingly stayed through Thursday and thought that today, Friday, would be my day to finally head home...nope, not that plan either. Apparently, in the middle of the night while I was sleeping soundly (but on the monitor for Griffin), Griffin decided to get some attention for us. I had nurses in and out trying to change my positioning (to improve his heart rate) and I ended up with an IV...and being the L&D RN I am, I trended back thru the tracing to see lots of yucky decels in Grffin's heart rate and thus, I have felt very emotional over *ALL* of this. I've fought back tears since the wee hours of the morning. I have had specialized ultrasounds to confirm that Griffin is ok for the moment, but my MD is not comfortable sending me the current plan is hospitalization until delivery and I could need a c-section at any moment...vaginal delivery is probably out of the equation now;-(

Anyway, the boys have come up to visit. I'm well stocked with some current Redbox titles. I'm sad and lonely yet comforted by close medical care. I've had lots of time to rest and think. I can't believe Griffin will be here so soon (I think:-).

So, that's my post about feeling like an "April fool" but apparently I wasn't and God has been the great physician protecting Griffin and I all along.

I can check comments and email from my hospital room but don't have my phone charger. Please pray for Tim as he's unexpectedly now Mr. Mom and Dad, etc for who knows how long.

Here's my happy picture (s) right now: